Young Adults

Typically, the adolescent years are considered the most tumultuous of an individual’s personal development. However, the post-high school years may also be a time of adjustment, lack of direction, confusion, and distress. This frequently impacts parents of the young adult.

Why is this?

The structure of a daily school schedule with predictable goals are no longer in place. For 13 years of a child’s life, there is a structured schedule with clear goals and for most, a built-in support system of family, friends and school staff. Out of high school with its built-in culture, (for better or worse), searching for a new culture with which to attach, can leave many young adults feeling overwhelmed, lost, depressed and anxious.

In addition, there are the pressures of the 21st century to compete and succeed. There is an expectation placed on our young people that they will pursue and achieve a career/job/fulfilling life. The young adult wrestles with knowing how this will all happen.

The young adult also faces intimate relationships with the potential for great joy and growth but also great heartbreak. Moving out of the known into the unknown: will the young adult be leaving the nest and flying or jumping out of the frying pan into the fire?

Moreover, the economic realities of the Puget Sound area with a seemingly ever-increasing gap between the “haves” and “have nots”. How do you become a part of the “haves” or is it even worth it?

At Avanti Psychological Services, we are committed to assisting young adults and their families navigate this unique time of life. Our teaching, support and therapy will aid in the development of their strengths, coping skills, goal setting, and a healthy support system.